Page 265 - 101 Ways to Market Your Business
P. 265

Recommended reading

Bruber ME, 1995 The E Myth Revisited, HarperCollins, New York
Caples J, 1997 Tested Advertising Methods, Prentice Hall Business

      Classics, New Jersey
Carnegie D, 1981 How to Win Friends and Influence People,

      HarperCollins, New York
Covey S, 1990 The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Simon &

      Schuster, New York
Kehoe J, 1991 Money, Success and You, Zoetic Inc., West Vancouver


Levinson J & Godin S, 1994 The Guerrilla Marketing Handbook,
      Houghton Mifflin Company, New York

Matthews A, 1997 Follow Your Heart, Seashell Publishers, Cairns
Pritchard B, 1997 Marketing Success Stories, Milner Books, Burra

      Creek, Australia
White S, 1997 The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Marketing Basics, Alpha

      Books, New York

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