Page 192 - 100 Great Marketing Ideas (100 Great Ideas)
P. 192


Brands are the personality of the product. They appeal to a
particular segment, and what suits one segment will not suit another.
Very few brands are able to cross between segments—people get to
like specific brands, and (of course) dislike others.

Sometimes firms will use an overall brand to “wrap” the others—
Heinz is a good example—and sometimes firms will use a single
brand to cover a wide range of products (as Virgin does, very
successfully), but in most cases firms use a separate brand identity
for each product-segment match.

Sometimes, though, the product has to function in very much
the same way as all the other products if it is to work with those
other products.

The idea

Nokia is one of the largest manufacturers of cellphones in the
world. As such, it has a range of cellphones at various prices to
suit various pockets: within each country, and even between most
countries, the function of the cellphones has to be compatible with
the cellular phone infrastructure, so there can be little variation in

However, as with nearly every other product, there is a segment
of wealthy people who are prepared to pay more simply to have a
product that is exclusive, i.e., excludes the rest of the population.

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