Page 319 - One Thousand Ways to Make $1000
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regular job, and handled the engraving agency at night and on Saturday

Before long, he decided that a small printing press might be of help to him, so
he purchased a used press on the time-payment plan, installed it in the rear of
a store and began to look around for printing orders. He found that
professional men were particularly good prospects as they were likely to put
off ordering their supplies until the last moment. They were glad to be able to
get prompt service in a hurry, and soon he had developed a good business
among professional men for bill heads, letterheads and envelopes. Before
long, his space proved to be too small, so he selected a larger office in a
modern building at a nominal rental. Here he established himself as the
“Society Specialty Shop.” About this time the reorders were beginning to
come in for calling cards and he was also receiving many orders for engraved
Christmas and New Year cards.

In order to get repeat business wherever possible, he made every effort to sell
his customers on the idea of leaving their copper plates with him under a
registered number. His sales argument was built around the importance of
having the plate kept in perfect condition so that there would be no scratches
or dents to mar the engraved work later. When his competitors found that he
had built up a good-sized file of registered plates, he began receiving offers
for his business, including the file of plates, monogram dies, etc. Within a
few weeks after his competitors started to bid for his business, an opportunity
came along for him to better his regular position, so he accepted the best offer
of the lot and sold his establishment for $1,500.

Servicing Beer Coils a New Industry


HE return of legal beer opened taverns in almost every state. While in one
such tavern, Jimmy Coyle heard the bartender curse under his breath.
“What’s the matter?” Jimmy asked. “This blasted coil is giving trouble again.
The coil cleaner fellow who ought to service it hasn’t been around for several
weeks.” Jimmy wondered at that. Later, he investigated and found out that
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