Page 324 - One Thousand Ways to Make $1000
P. 324

d eLiver Books for a CirCuLating LiBrarY—A library can increase its circulation by
delivering books to customers. If you have a car, you can make two or three
trips a day. By making deliveries for several shops at one time, you can
increase the amount of your earnings.

teaCh BaLLroom danCing to a group of men and Women; aLso

C hiLdren—Small classes can be taught in your own home. The radio or
phonograph records will provide the music. If there is no large academy in
your town, you may be successful in starting such a school. The admission
fee may be paid at the door, or season tickets may be sold. Include a
refreshment bar (this can be leased to someone) and get as good an orchestra
as you can afford.

t eLL fortunes—Tea rooms have found today that the addition of a fortune teller
has stimulated business. The fortunes may be told with cards, the palm, or a
crystal. Astrology is also popular. If you are a fair judge of human nature you
can become rather adept. There are any number of books on fortune-telling
methods and a little application is all that is needed. This is also a lucrative
business at summer and winter resorts.

sing in a ChurCh Choir—Many churches pay for this service—naturally you must
have a fair voice.

W ait on taBLes—Tea rooms which serve only luncheons and dinners need
extra help during the rush hours. Caterers, hotel restaurants, and inns also
employ extra help. Leave your name and telephone number with the
managers of these places.

t eaCh Bridge—Many a woman who is an expert bridge player, has found,
when the family income started to decline, a way to make a good income.
Bridge may be taught in private lessons (the charge is usually higher) or in
groups. If the group meets at your home, twenty-five cents an hour for each
person is a reasonable charge.

take CompLete Charge of a home during iLLness—When a mother
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