Page 328 - One Thousand Ways to Make $1000
P. 328

to $3.00 a thousand. A good typist can address a thousand envelopes in a day.

t eaCh musiC—If your parents once spent considerable money for your music
lessons and you have a piano in your home, get out your old music books and
brush up on technique. You will be surprised to find how easy it is to get into
the swing of this again. Remember you do not have to be an accomplished
musician to teach the piano. A few piano students will pay many a bill or buy
new shoes or other necessities.

m aniCures—In every community there are women who dislike coming into
town to a beauty shop. If you have a car you can give them manicures in their
own homes. All you need to carry with you is a kit with your instruments.
Manicuring is easy to learn and should be well done to insure repeat business.
The charge should, of course, be a little higher than in the beauty shop.

m anage CharitY Bazaars—Often the reason a charity bazaar or other charitable
enterprise does not make more money, is lack of good management. If you
have a flair for this sort of thing, you can earn from 10 to 15 per cent of the
receipts. After you have made a success of one or two affairs it is easy to
secure the management of others.

t eLephoning—Many retailers have commissioned women to call their
customers and tell them about special sales or to make appointments for
special salesmen selling electric appliances, etc. The retailer pays for the
telephone and adds a fee for your work. Some also pay a commission on all
orders received.

t oWn investigator—Investigations for collection firms, food manufacturers,
mail-order concerns, and advertising agencies are frequently made by
women. Write to these concerns and tell them you can handle this sort of
work. The public library will be able to tell you where to get lists of names.

C are of ChiLdren—Take charge of children while their parents go to the
movies, bridge parties, etc., in the evenings. From 75 cents to $1.25 is the
usual charge. Arrange to take care of children while their parents are on
summer vacations. The charge for this service will depend upon the length of
time the parents are away, and other factors.
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