Page 325 - One Thousand Ways to Make $1000
P. 325

is in a hospital or convalescing at home, and no child is old enough to assume
responsibility, someone is needed to take care of the household and the
children. Often this is an emergency job and pays well.

CounseLor for a girLs’ Camp—If you understand children and can handle them
easily, this work offers not only an income but a pleasant summer.

if You have a Car—Arrange to drive four or five neighbors to work each
morning and pick them up in the evening. Give instructions in driving—a
course of lessons should bring you about $1.00 or $1.50. Take a group of
children to and from school. Leave your name and number with the local
hotels and travel agencies and offer your services to tourists who want to see
the town. If there is a summer resort near by, meet the trains or boats and
drive visitors to their hotels.

m end Linens and fine LaCes—With a little practice you can become an expert in
this work. One of the best ways to mend linens is to weave linen threads in
the worn or torn places. These may be secured from the inside of the hems.
Laces are more difficult. However, there are books on laces which will give
you this instruction.

Launder Curtains and fine Linens—Most women are fussy about

their curtains and fine linens and dislike turning them over to the average
laundry. By doing excellent work, it is a simple matter to establish a
reputation in this field. In larger cities, where it is smoky and dusty, contract
to launder the curtains a certain number of times a year for a stipulated sum
to be paid each time the curtains are laundered.

t eaCh goLf—Many women play a good game of golf but have never tried to
teach it. There are always men and women interested in learning how to play
the game. The charge varies from $2.00 to $4.50 an hour.

organize a Course in puBLiC speaking—Build your class around the idea that
training in public speaking develops poise and diction. Women who belong
to clubs and many business men can be sold on this idea. If you were good as
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