Page 326 - One Thousand Ways to Make $1000
P. 326
a debater in school, you can probably handle such classes. Study the books
that have been published on public speaking.
CoaCh BaCkWard students during their vaCations—If you have
done any teaching, or if you have kept up with school work by helping your
children with their lessons, you can qualify for this work.
Board ChiLdren in Your home during the summer—If your home is
spacious and in the country or at the seashore, you can handle a few children
as summer boarders. A comfortable, modern farm, where the children will get
exercise and good food is an ideal place.
CLeaning and dYeing agenCY—It is not enough to open up an agency and wait for
the work to come to you. You must go out and solicit orders. One of the
advantages of this business is the opportunity to repeat orders.
r eaL estate renting agenCY—This business can be handled in your own home.
Contact the owners of property in your neighborhood and adjoining sections.
Do not neglect any chance of selling a piece of real estate if such a chance
should come your way. In fact, after you have established yourself as a
renting agent, you can expand into selling real estate. Study the books on real
estate law and contracts—you cannot acquire too much knowledge on this
prepare papers and speeChes for CLuB Women—The charges for
this service depend upon the time spent in preparation and the amount of
research work done. The library will furnish you with material on any
subject. The speech or paper should be carefully typed in duplicate and
delivered several days before it is needed. Secure this type of work by
contacting clubs and literary societies. Also watch the papers for
announcements of meetings.
invaLid Cooking—The care of many invalids is not so much a matter of
nursing as the preparation of the right food. One who has had little training in
nursing, but who is a good cook, is able to make food look appetizing, can
earn many a dollar catering to the finicky appetites of invalids. Contact the