Page 331 - One Thousand Ways to Make $1000
P. 331
better-known newspapers and secure others from the second-hand magazine
shops, from the editor of your local paper, or buy the unsold newspapers from
your news dealer.
p Lan gardens—If you know how to grow plants and flowers, and have an eye
for arrangement of color and form, help people plan their gardens. If you will
look about at your neighbors’ gardens you will see that many of them are hit-
or-miss propositions. Draw up a plan on paper, indicating the most attractive
arrangements for shrubs, flowers, trees, etc. Show how the garden will grow
in beauty from year to year and the future changes to be made in it. When
your plan is complete, call on the garden owner and show him the plans. Be
careful not to belittle his present planting; sell him on the idea of making his
garden even more beautiful than it is. Your plans should sell for about $1.00.
If you are to superintend the plantings, then your charge should be higher.
Consult the garden magazines for planting ideas.
h ostess—If you have had a good social background, capitalize on it by
becoming a hostess or an assistant to a hostess. Help arrange dinners, bridge
parties, literary or musical evenings. Plan decorations, menus, and
entertainment. Hotels, dude ranches, resorts, clubs, associations, steamship
lines, and others often need this sort of help. Individuals who entertain a great
deal but lack a flair for this sort of thing are also prospects.
p aCking assistant—Some people have a natural ability to pack things well. If
you have this knack, have some cards printed and leave them with real estate
offices, storage warehouses, managers of apartment buildings, and mail them
to wealthy people that you know make many trips. Some families are more
than willing to turn over to you the entire job of packing when they leave on
summer vacations, when they move to another city, or when they go abroad.
Another job that ties up with this work is to close and open summer homes,
to close and open homes in the city for those on trips abroad. This may
include storing valuable silver, pictures, or china and preventing moth
damages to furs and woolen garments.
e staBLish a LaundrY agenCY—Many women have developed a good business
handling an agency for a laundry. Often the laundry company furnishes living