Page 330 - One Thousand Ways to Make $1000
P. 330
when they are developed, show them. Nine times out of ten they will buy
your snaps. Take pictures at summer camps of the children, of picnic crowds.
Watch for the unusual—freaks of nature, a sudden storm over a valley, a
dramatic occurrence. The trade papers, newspapers, and magazines will buy
these snaps. The Eastman Kodak Company has published several inexpensive
booklets which will give you a number of ideas about making money with a
camera. These booklets are to be found in camera shops and the public
t raining animaLs and Birds—Many women are successful in this field because
they have the patience of Job and they are naturally kind to their pets. One
woman has been unable to supply the demand for her trained cats. The cats
are trained when they are little kittens and are so droll and amusing, her entire
supply is always in demand. Another woman has had considerable success
training canaries to sing special songs such as “Yankee Doodle.” She also is
unable to supply the demand. Still another woman stands out in her field as a
trainer of dogs to lead the blind. Now she is training others to train dogs.
r enting equipment—If you own a vacuum cleaner, an electric washing machine
or ironer, an electric sewing machine, a sun lamp, a moving picture machine,
rent them for a small fee to your neighbors, when you are not using them. Be
sure to check your equipment carefully before you hand it over to anyone and
check it again when it is returned.
C ompiLe Lists for maiLing houses—Most of the companies which compile mailing
lists are interested in specific lists, such as well-to-do residents, farmers,
prospective brides, fruit growers, poultry raisers, newborn infants, etc. The
same lists of names and addresses may be sold to several firms. General lists
are also of interest to these concerns from time to time.
C Lipping serviCe—Undoubtedly, there are individuals and companies in your
locality which are more or less in the limelight. People like to know what is
being said about them. To operate a clipping service, notify these people or
companies that an item has appeared in such and such a newspaper recently.
Explain to them that they may have a copy by sending you twenty-five cents.
Give your clipping bureau a name that is dignified. Subscribe to some of the