Page 329 - One Thousand Ways to Make $1000
P. 329
e ntertain invaLids—Shut-ins and invalids find their days long and boring. If you
are good natured, have a pleasing voice, can read well or tell stories,
entertaining invalids, both young and old, will prove a profitable job. Contact
the doctors, ministers, and nurses in your neighborhood.
t ake Care of graves—Check over the cemeteries in your town, look for
neglected graves, find the nearest relatives and sell them on the idea of
keeping the graves planted with flowers and the grass cut. Many women have
found this a lucrative line of work.
Boarding dogs, Cats and Birds—When people go away on their summer vacations,
Rover, Peter, and Dickie have to be boarded as it is usually inconvenient to
take them along. If you have a large place on the outskirts of town where a
pup can run about and be happy, advertise your “boarding kennels.” Get in
touch with local veterinary doctors, pet departments in the stores, and pet
shops. Watch the vacation notices in your neighborhood paper and check up
to see if the people who are leaving town have pets to board.
e mBroider monograms on Linens—Open a monogram shop in your own home. Sell
brides on the idea of letting you monogram their fine, new linens. You might
add a hemstitching service and also a hosiery mending service. The
hemstitching is easily done by an inexpensive attachment which can be
placed on your sewing machine.
teaCh sWimming—If you are a good swimmer and have done a lot of swimming,
make arrangements with one of the hotel swimming pools and organize
classes. There should be a junior class for children and two adult classes—
one for beginners and one for advanced students. An exhibit of fancy diving
and swimming at the end of each term will maintain interest in the classes. If
your funds are low in the beginning, offer to teach the hotel guests free in
return for the use of the pool.
W ith Your Camera—If you possess a good camera and have some skill in
taking pictures, specialize on taking snaps of children, pets, and people’s
homes. Parents are proud of their children and will nearly always buy your
snaps. People like pictures of their pets and their homes—snap them and then