Page 364 - One Thousand Ways to Make $1000
P. 364
A Year ’Round Thrift Shop
NUMBER of women’s clubs have been able to obtain a steady income by
fixing up a vacant store as a place for selling things various members have
discarded or wish to dispose of on a commission. The usual plan is to ask
each member to give one day a month to looking after the shop. When the
shop becomes sufficiently profitable, a permanent attendant may be
employed. The revenue from a store of this kind can be augmented by
including a circulating library, the books being donated by members of the
organization. Because the library is run for charity, no set rental rate is
charged. Those taking out the books are expected to give what they can
toward the work of the organization. They deposit their contribution in a
small envelope which is pasted inside the front cover of the book, when they
return the book. An explanation of the plan and the purpose of the charity is
printed on the envelope.
Another good source of revenue for such a shop is selling knitting yarns. One
shop of this kind has one of the members of the organization, who is an
expert at knitting, come in one afternoon a week to give instruction in
knitting. The yarn is purchased at wholesale as required, so the amount
invested in stock is relatively small.
Put on a Dog and Pet Show
HERE are usually people in every community who are very proud of their
pet dogs. They may be lap dogs, hunting dogs, watch dogs, or “just dogs.”
But whatever type of dog it may be, the owner thinks his dog is better than
his neighbor’s dog. Capitalize on this dog-loving instinct in your community
by putting on a local dog show. Prizes in the form of ribbons should be
awarded. Because of the many breeds entered, and perhaps the lack of
pedigrees, prizes are usually awarded for the smallest dog entered, the largest,