Page 365 - One Thousand Ways to Make $1000
P. 365

the prettiest, the funniest, the smartest, the dog with the longest tail, the dog
knowing the most tricks, the dog with the largest ears, etc.

Country Fairs Are Always Good


HIS is another form of bazaar which is particularly popular in cities. A barn
is usually rented for the fair, and everyone who participates wears a suitable
costume such as overalls and denim shirts or gingham dresses. The feature of
the fair is an old-fashioned barn dance. Various side attractions characteristic
of country fairs are used to obtain added interest and revenue.

A Prune and Apricot Drive


BOYS’ Scout troop raised enough money to buy all their necessary
equipment and had some money left over toward their outdoor activities by
canvassing the community and securing orders for boxes of Santa Clara
Valley prunes and apricots. Prizes were offered to the scouts who sold the
greatest number of boxes. Arrangements were made with a packing company
in the Santa Clara Valley, California, to ship the prunes in season. The same
idea can be used with pecan nuts or other specialties, but since prunes are a
staple article and are usually consumed in quantities, most housewives are
willing to buy them by the box or boxes, at the same time helping the boys.

Progressive Luncheon and Style Show


NE objection to holding luncheons as a means of raising money for
charitable purposes is the difficulty of handling the crowd. A way to
overcome this difficulty is to get four or five people in a neighborhood each
to serve one course of a luncheon. Thus the appetizers will be served at one
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