Page 369 - One Thousand Ways to Make $1000
P. 369
you, to write letters, to take your child to school or home for the holidays.
Nothing is too simple or too difficult for her to handle. Since the organization
of “Hostesses, Incorporated,” hundreds of dollars have found their way into
the treasury of the League, work has been provided for many who needed it,
and not a few business men or householders have had their problems neatly
and quickly solved.
chapter thIrteen
HERE is a saying, the wisdom of which was impressed upon many during
the recent depression, to the effect that it is easier to make money than it is to
keep it. The man who is out to make his first thousand dollars has but to seize
an opportunity, and if he applies himself intelligently he is reasonably sure of
a measure of success—certainly under normal conditions he should easily
make a thousand dollars. In the preceding chapters you have read how
hundreds of men and women have accomplished that objective. But after all,
this first thousand dollars is only the first rung of the ladder. Having one foot
on the ladder you are now faced with temptations which did not bother you
when your major concern was making that first thousand.
First, there will come the temptation to rest on your oars and take it easy now
that you are “in the money.” You fought a good fight and won. Being a
normal human being you feel that your efforts have entitled you to the
rewards of victory. So you buy a new automobile, take a trip or do any one of
a dozen things that you have been planning to do when you made some
money. But one swallow does not make a summer. If you squander your
money for a good time now, you will have nobody but yourself to blame if
you must spend your old age dependent upon the State or relatives.
The real test of your business ability and your capacity for success is not
behind you. It lies directly ahead of you. Are you going to take that first
thousand dollars and use it as a seedling for a real fortune, and a place in the
sun? Or are you going to treat it as a small boy treats a dime given him for a
Saturday night lark? You may think, as thousands of others have thought,