Page 392 - Social Media Marketing
P. 392

a p p e n d i x C : ╇ H ands - O n E xercises╇ ■•	 Clearly articulated policies create a strong platform for collaboration and the
                                adoption of social computing:


                                Apply what you’ve learned through the following exercises:

                      1.	 If you use Twitter or Linked In, bring your personal profile up to 100 percent

                      2.	 If your office or organization has a profile-driven knowledge-sharing applica-
                               tion, repeat exercise 1 for your profile.

                      3.	 List your favorite social communities, and describe an application that your
                               business or organization might offer within that community. Connect it to your
                               business objectives.

370 Chapter 5: Social Technology and Business Decisions

                       Review each of the following and connect them with the objectives of your business or

                       •	 Spend time reading Esteban Kolsky’s blog (, and
                               in particular search for and read the entries on “analytics engines.” As a hands-
                               on exercise, create a plan for integrating social analytics into your operational
                               (not marketing) processes.

                       •	 Review Kaushal Sarda’s 2010 InterOp Mumbai presentation on slideshare. The
                               easiest way to find this is to visit slideshare ( and
                                search for “Kaushal Sarda.” In the InterOp presentation, look at the product
                                innovation cycle and map this onto your business and identify the specific areas
                                or functions within your business that contribute to innovation. Think about the
                                Bengaluru International Airport example as you do this. How can you “design
                                in” the experiences you want your customers or stakeholders to talk about?

                       •	 Visit Socialtext ( and watch the short videos that
                                show you how this product is used inside an organization. As a hands-on exer-
                                cise, use that information combined with visits to additional collaboration tools
                                to create and present to your team a survey of enterprise collaboration tools,
                                tying them to your business.

                                Apply what you’ve learned through the following exercises:

                       •	 Visit with the IT, Marketing, or Operations teams that use your existing CRM
                                data. Explore ways of incorporating social data into these processes, and con-
                                necting that information to your business or organization.
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