Page 391 - Social Media Marketing
P. 391

2.	 Integrate step 1 into your current CRM and product design programs. Who will             369
        participate in the various initiatives that define your plan? What is the role that
        you see customers playing?                                                           ■ ╇ C hapter 4 : T he S ocial B usiness E cosystem

3.	 Identify the key stakeholders in the departments you will need to work with in
        order to implement the broad types of issues you are likely to encounter.

Chapter 3: Build a Social Business

Review each of the following and connect them with the objectives of your business or

•	 Arrange a meeting with your CIO or IT leadership to review the social capabili-
        ties of your current intranet or similar internal information sharing tools.

•	 Create an inventory of your current social media programs. List out home bases,
        outposts, and passports (see sidebar earlier in this chapter for definitions of
        each) and then define the metrics and success measures for each.

•	 Meet with the leadership of your customer service and product design teams,
        and meet with legal and HR to review the requirements or concerns with regard
        to connecting employees in a more collaborative manner, or engaging more fully
        on the Social Web.

        Apply what you’ve learned through the following exercises:
1.	 Define the basic properties, objectives, and outcomes of a collaborative applica-

        tion that connects your customers to your business and to your employees.
2.	 Explore the available internal (enterprise) applications that connect employees

        with each other and with customers and thereby enable efficient response and
        resolution with regard to customer-generated ideas or challenges.
3.	 Draw a map of how external information about a selected product or service cur-
        rently flows through your business or organization and how it might (better) flow
        if internal collaboration were the norm or more fully developed and practiced.

Chapter 4: The Social Business Ecosystem

Review each of the following and connect them with the objectives of your business or

•	 Brand outposts like Coca-Cola’s Facebook page are viable alternatives to one-off
        microsites and branded communities:

•	 Atari’s Tweet in Klingon is an example of a social application:

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