Page 386 - Social Media Marketing
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a p p e n d i x B : ╇ O nline R eferences╇ ■Ratings and Reviews Made Easy
From the SaaS-based offering of Bazaarvoice to the DIY/Plug-in components of Js-Kit/
Echo, Disqus, and Intense Debate, adding ratings and comments to your social sites is
literally a click way.
34 Ways to Use YouTube for Business
B2B social media professional Meryl Evans (no relation) offers this list of some of the
many ways that YouTube can be used as a part of a social media program in business.
364 Facebook Marketing: An Hour a Day
If you’re interested in learning more about how you can use Facebook in busi-
ness, check out the newest edition of Chris Treadaway and Mari Smith’s Facebook
Marketing: An Hour a Day (Sybex, 2010). You can follow Chris (@ctreada) and Mari
(@marismith) on Twitter as well.
Community Moderation: Best Practices
Jake McKee, Chief Strategy Officer at Ant’s Eye View (as well as the technical editor
for this book) offers a great interview on moderation “Best Practices.” You can follow
Jake on Twitter (@jakemckee)
In addition to Jake’s blog, The Community Roundtable is a great resource for
community managers: You can follow Community Report principals Rachel Happe
(@rhappe) and Jim Storer (@jstorer) on Twitter and read the Community Roundtable
blog here:
Technical Resources
Finally, if you want to roll up your sleeves and try some of this yourself, the follow-
ing will get you started. You’ll actually be amazed at how easy it is to add basic social
capabilities to nearly any existing site. It makes you wonder why everyone isn’t doing
this already.