Page 382 - Social Media Marketing
P. 382

a p p e n d i x B : ╇ O nline R eferences╇ ■DJ Patil

                       DJ Patil is Chief Scientist at LinkedIn. You can follow DJ on Twitter (@dpatil), where
                       he often references topics and concepts related to the social graph.

                    Dr. Natalie Petouhoff

                       Consultant and Speaker Dr. Natalie Petouhoff offers her views on the potential of
                       social technology applied to business. You can follow Natalie on Twitter (@drnatalie)
                       and read her blog here:


                    Kaushal Sarda

                       Kaushal Sarda leads the enterprise applications and products practice at 2020Social in
                       New Delhi. You can follow Kaushal on Twitter (@ksarda) and read his blog here:



                    Susan Scrupski

                       Susan Scrupski is the founder of “The 2.0 Adoption Council,” a professional organi-
                       zation for large enterprise organizations interested in learning about and sharing best
                       practices around the use of social technologies. You can follow Susan on Twitter
                       (@itsinsider) and read more from Susan and the The 2.0 Adoption Council here:


                    Kristina Sedereviciute

                       Currently a Master’s student at Århus Universitet in Denmark, Kristina is a former
                       project manager. You can follow Kristina on Twitter (@kristtina).

                    Filberto Selvas

                       Filberto Selvas is the Product Director at âC•‰ rowdfactory, a provider of social network-
                       ing tools. You can follow Filberto on Twitter (@filbertosilvas) and read his Social
                       CRM blog here:


                    Shashi Tharoor

                       If you are looking for an example of the value of social media in advancing intellectual
                       points of view that impact business and government, take a look at the works of Shashi
                       Tharoor, a former Indian Minister of State for External Affairs. You can follow Shashi
                       Tharoor on Twitter (@shashitharoor) and learn more about him here:

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