Page 383 - Social Media Marketing
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Ted Shelton                                                                               361

Ted Shelton is CEO of The Conversation Group, a social media and technology firm.         ■ ╇ S ocial B usiness R esources
You can follow Ted on Twitter (@tshelton) and read his blog here:

Social Business Resources

Presented in the following section—more or less in the order that you will encounter
or need these resources if you’re working through the social business planning process
for the first time—are a set of resources that will help shape your thinking around the
application of social technology to your business.

Reading and Planning

Before beginning, scan these resources. There’s no sense stumbling where someone else
has already tripped up, and was then thoughtful enough to reflect on it and write up
a better practice. Move faster and get further by learning from those who have been
through this already. As you gain your own experiences, consider sharing them within
the social business community.

Social Capital

Author and thought leader Brian Solis offers a clear, concise view on “social capital”
and its importance in business. You can follow Brian on Twitter (@briansolis) and read
his post on social capital here:


A Social Graph Primer

ReadWriteWeb author Alex Iskold published a nice article in 2007 that outlines the
basic concepts underlying the social graph and its use in business. You’ll find the post

Social CRM Use Cases

Altimeter’s Ray Wang (@rwang0) and Jeremiah Owyang have produced a useful sum-
mary and “next steps” guide that is very helpful when sorting out your Social CRM
strategy. The guide is useful as a both a learning document for your team and as a
guide to choosing Social CRM solution paths. You will find the guide here:

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