Page 390 - Social Media Marketing
P. 390
a p p e n d i x C : ╇ H ands - O n E xercises╇ ■Chapter 1: Social Media and Customer Engagement
Review each of the following and connect them with the objectives of your business or
• Starbucks’ “My Starbucks Idea” ideation application:
• The blog of Gaurav Mishra, on the topic of social business:
• The blog of Peter Kim, on the topic of social business:
Apply what you’ve learned through the following exercises:
1. Define the basic properties, objectives, and outcomes of a collaborative applica-
368 tion that connects your customers to your business and to your employees.
2. Define an internal application that connects employees and enables efficient
resolution of customer-generated ideas.
3. Map out your own customer engagement process and compare it with the
engagement process defined in this chapter.
Chapter 2: The New Role of the Customer
Review each of the following and connect them with the objectives of your business or
Paul Greenberg’s “Social CRM Comes of Age”
Jeremiah Owyang’s listing of Social CRM tools
The 2009 Edelman Trust Barometer
Apply what you’ve learned through the following exercises:
1. Define your ideal Social CRM platform: What are your business objectives,
and who are you looking to create relationships with? How would your cur-
rent customers fit into this, and how might they participate in your business or