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         Appendix 2: References

                 1 Business Journal, Milwaukee, 20 April 1998
                 2 Sources: Dyson, J. Against All Odds (London: Orion, 1997); Dyson company

                    website:; Cook, P. Best Practice Creativity (London: Gower,
                 3 ‘Fly higher with an angel,’ Sunday Times, 12 January 2003
                 4 Burns, P. Entrepreneurship and Small Business (Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2001)
                 5 Drucker, P. Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann,
                     revised edition, 1994)
                 6 Basadur, Min. The Power of Innovation (London: Pearson Education, 1995)
                 7 Timmons, J. and Olin, F. New Venture Creation – Entrepreneurship for the 21st
                    Century (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2004)
                 8 Davis, W. The Innovators (London: Ebury Press, 1987)
                 9 Baylis, T. Clock This, My Life as an Inventor (London: Headline, 1999)
                10 Timmons, J. and Olin, F. New Venture Creation – Entrepreneurship for the 21st
                    Century (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2004)
                11 Commissioned by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Lambert Review of
                     Business–University Collaboration, December 2003
                12 Personal interview with Trevor Baylis, ‘Wind-up genius,’ Earthmatters, summer
                13 Van de Ven, A. et al., The Innovation Journey (New York: Oxford University Press,
                14 Godfrey, J. Our Wildest Dreams (New York: HarperBusiness, 1992)
                15 Timmons, J. and Olin, F. New Venture Creation – Entrepreneurship for the 21st
                    Century (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2004)
                16 Posted at
                17 ‘Google search – and destroy,’ Sunday Times, 4 April 2004
                18 ‘High Stakes,’ The Engineer, 24 October 2003
                19 Cited in LeBoeuf, M. How to Develop and Profit from your Creative Powers
                     (London: Piatkus, 1990)
                20 Baylis, T. Clock This, My Life as an Inventor (London: Headline, 1999)
                21 ‘Fly higher with an angel,’ Sunday Times, 12 January 2003
                22 Henry, J. Creativity and Perception in Management (Milton Keynes: Open
                     University, 2001)
                23 Sources: Marks, A. ‘The Sinclair C5 – Why Did it Fail?’ Management Decision,
                    Vol 28, No 4, 1990; The Engineer, 24 October 2003; Sinclair User, March 1985
                24 Sources: Hartley, R. Management Mistakes and Successes (New York: John
                     Wiley and Sons, 1991); Hamel, G. ‘Killer strategies that make shareholders rich,’
                    Fortune, 23 June 1997; Collins, J. and Porras, J. ‘Building your company’s
                    vision,’ Harvard Business Review, September–October 1996;
                25 von Oech, R. A Whack on the Side of the Head (New York: Warner Books, 1998)
                26 Drucker, P. Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann,
                     revised edition, 1994)
                27 Lewis, D. Mind Skills: Giving your child a brighter future (London: Souvenir
                     Press, 1987)
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