Page 47 - DNBI_A01.QXD
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             you lack the ability to identify what different target audiences may
             object to. This represents a positive outcome, however, because it
             identifies early on in the process the gaps in your knowledge which you
             need to fill.

          fast forward to ‘yes’ One of the needs of the different target

             audiences discussed above is to receive sufficient information so that
             they can be persuaded to grant approval. There is no escape from
             gaining approvals – to see the eventual light of day, every business idea
             will need to win approval of some sort from key decision-makers,
             whether in the form of a board of directors, management committee,
             venture capitalist or bank manager.

             Not only will the idea development process increase the quality of the
             ideas to be presented, the process also provides an excellent framework
             for gathering information at an increasingly higher level of detail for
             inclusion in the approval submission, be it internal project plan or
             external business plan. The better the idea development process, the
             greater the chance of success and the less risk of having to commit
             further time and resources to revisions.

             As we saw earlier with the Bodas lingerie company’s search for
             business angel funding, it had to satisfy the investors’ need to back a
             business, not an idea. To achieve this, the founders had to provide
             evidence that their idea would work, such as a prototype together with
             proof of market demand.21

          making it happen By the same token, a rigorously followed idea

             development process provides a detailed framework for subsequently
             managing the business. The wide range of elements addressed – from
             manufacturing, design, resourcing, benchmarking and quality right
             through to milestone planning – translates easily into an effective
             management tool.

          individual or corporate: the process works for both

             The issues surrounding the contemporary global marketplace are well
             rehearsed in the modern business literature. These issues include
             reduced life cycles for both companies and products; the creation of
             new industries, including those based predominantly on knowledge;
             the enabling possibilities of information technology; and downsizing
             into lean organisations. Without wishing to repeat the discussion at
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