Page 51 - DNBI_A01.QXD
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               young boys in C5s in a football park rather than images which
               emphasised the C5’s positioning as a serious road transport alternative.
               Much of the actual advertising copy, however, invited comparison of the
               C5 with motor cars.

                 Annual sales were envisaged to grow from 100,000 in the first year to
               500,000. From a buoyant start of around 1,000 sales in the first week,
               sales dwindled and production was discontinued in September 1985 –
               14,000 units were produced during the product’s lifetime and not all
               were sold at full price. When the receivers were called in, debts were
               reported to stand at around £8 million.

             key points

             G Avoid the temptation to implement your first idea immediately
                 without fully challenging it – you will miss the opportunity to
                 develop a potentially much stronger alternative

             G Following the iterative four-step idea development process – seeking
                 and shaping opportunities; generating new ideas; evaluating and
                 selecting the emerging business ideas; and planning for
                 implementation – significantly increases your chances of
                 entrepreneurial success

             G Maintain sufficient emotional distance from your initial idea so that
                 you can accept constructive feedback from others or let the idea go if
                 it simply will not work

             G Even if you abandon an idea, no information or idea is ever wasted
                 because in failure lies the seed of further opportunity

             G Always remember that the acid test of a business opportunity is your
                 ability to sell products or services in sufficient quantity to real
                 customers to generate sustainable cash flows and profit

             G Combining rational and intuitive thinking at appropriate steps
                 throughout the idea development process creates new perspectives
                 and competitive advantage for your initial business idea

             G Getting started with the idea development process is the best way to
                 evaluate whether your initial idea represents a potentially valid
                 business opportunity and to gauge the strength of your personal
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