Page 49 - DNBI_A01.QXD
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             Positivity represents the consistent habit of seeing problems as
             opportunities. It embraces the ability to recover rapidly from setbacks
             and to tolerate criticism. It includes an unwillingness to allow the
             unanticipated blockages referred to above impede progress.

             Playfulness allows an entrepreneur to feel comfortable outside
             mainstream thinking and action. Drawing on the resources of
             childhood, it encourages risk-taking and the use of fun and humour in
             thinking to stimulate flexibility of thought and deed.

             Passion evokes the drive of an all-consuming purpose and an obsessive
             will to achieve goals.

             Persistence provides the difference between ‘if at first you don’t
             succeed, try and try again’ and ‘if at first you don’t succeed, try
             something different until you do succeed’.

          self-awareness beats the imposition of others A final

             point to make in support of undertaking the idea development process
             yourself is that it is much easier to accept changes and refinements to
             which you have been inexorably drawn by data which you have
             generated yourself than to have to stomach changes which have been
             imposed upon you by outsiders.

           Sir Clive Sinclair and the C5 – the perils of a
           flawed process of idea development23

            the C5 story offers an object lesson in the risks of developing a

               solution before the underlying problem has been fully explored.

                 Sir Clive Sinclair is an electronics expert whose world-beating products
               include the executive pocket calculator (1972) and the microvision pocket
               TV (1977).

                 His plans to develop an electronic vehicle go back as far as 1973. In
               1983 a change in the law for the benefit of disabled drivers and milk float
               manufacturers allowed for a new type of vehicle, the electrically assisted
               pedal cycle. The Sinclair C5 was a battery-powered one-seater pedal-
               assisted tricycle intended to herald a new era of ecological personal
               transport. It was designed so that anybody over 14 years old could drive
               it without insurance, driving licence, road tax or crash helmet. The C5’s
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