Page 52 - DNBI_A01.QXD
P. 52


applying creativity to the
idea development process

 G Phil Knight and NIKE – combining logic and intuition into record-
      breaking success

 G why is creativity a must?
 G reconnect with your creativity
 G creativity and the idea development process
 G mastering whole-brain thinking
 G Ingvar Kamprad – using logic and intuition to break the mould with


Since when was an accountant ever compared to Christopher
Columbus, using intuition to bravely seek out new and unimagined

Since Phil Knight, in fact.

Co-founder of the legendary NIKE empire, Knight combined logical
analysis and intuition to gain dominance for NIKE in record time across
global boardrooms and sports stadia alike.

It was once considered that creativity was the preserve of the favoured
few whom the artistic muse would regularly deign to visit. Worse still,
it was held that creativity was required only at the start of the idea
development process – once a bright idea had been born, it was thrown
over the wall to planners and developers to bring to market.

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