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DEVELOPING NEW BUSINESS IDEAS  Step 1             Step 2      Step 3      Step 4

                               Diverge  Converge

                               Seeking and            Idea    Evaluation      Planning
                                  shaping         generation      and             for

                               opportunities                  selection   implementation

                               Figure 2.3 Divergent–convergent thinking throughout the idea development

                               the innovation journey As we saw in Chapter 1, the Minnesota

                               Innovation Research Program, a major longitudinal study led by
                               Andrew van de Ven and others which involved 30 researchers tracking
                               14 diverse innovations in real time and in their natural field settings,
                               concluded that the innovation journey is a ‘cycle of divergent and
                               convergent activities that may repeat over time and at different
                               organisational levels if resources are obtained to renew the cycle’.34

                               Later chapters of this book illustrate convergent and divergent
                               techniques which are particularly well suited to specific steps of the
                               process. It may appear paradoxical that some of these divergent
                               techniques may at first almost ‘force’ an imaginative approach. Our
                               intention is to offer you a structured approach which over time will
                               become natural and intuitive to you. It is no different to learning how to
                               drive a car: after all, how many times did you almost crash as a learner
                               because you were so busy looking down at the gearstick? How many
                               years ago did you last need to do that?

                               finding the correct balance While both intuition and logic are

                               required at each of the four steps, the relative weight of each style of
                               thinking varies at each step. The shift of emphasis is shown in Table
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