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Produce Marketing Content That Educates
Hire a Journalist to Help You Create Content
I owe this idea in part to a conversation I had with David Meerman
Scott, author of The New Rules of Marketing and PR.
Most every business these days is really a publishing business of
some sort, whether they think that way or not. The need to pro-
duce masses of educational content has become standard operating
procedure in today’s Internet search–driven marketing world. But,
publishing content in blog posts, e-books and articles, while con-
sidered compulsory, is not the easiest thing for some to do.
A smart move that businesses should consider these days is hiring
a journalist, rather than a marketing person, to act as their primary
content producer. If you think of your business as a publishing busi-
ness, the need for journalists becomes obvious.
An experienced journalist will usually look at content in the
objective, source-driven, and factual way he or she has been
trained—precisely the way marketing content must be viewed
and communicated these days.
An experienced journalist knows how to start with the kernel
of an idea and develop an entire story quickly—another key
success factor in the “more is more” publishing business.
An experienced journalist, particularly one who’s worked
in your industry, may possess key contacts throughout your
industry and with publications that cover your industry,
making the writer much more than a content production
The good news, for you at least, is the growing pool of very
experienced journalists finding themselves without a publication to
write for as traditional publishing operations downsize and go out of