Page 101 - Duct Tape Marketing
P. 101
Duct Tape Marketing
business. So now is a great time to snap one up, even if only for a few
hours of work per week.
How to Use Content to Increase Your Online ROI
The trouble with achieving some measure of success using content in
social media is that it can feel pretty easy. There are plenty of well-
intentioned, lonely, chatty, kind, disturbed, and bored people to be
found at every social watering hole. These folks are ready to follow,
friend, argue, retweet (RT), discuss, chat, and share as long and as
often as you choose.
The problem, as I’m sure you’ve come to surmise, is that these
people don’t move along the path of becoming a paying customer, no
matter how engaging you are, unless they are (a) the right people and
(b) given a reason to want to know about what they can buy from you.
Both parts of this equation come together in the social media
world through the production and promotion of content—plain and
simple. If you’re not producing valuable content and sharing or point-
ing to that content in digital gatherings, then don’t expect any return
on your efforts.
Show me a marketer questioning the ROI of social media, and
I’ll show you a marketer devoid of any means to create and showcase
engaging content.
Now, before you roll your eyes at the thought of another “content
is king” lecture, let me tell you I’m not simply talking about white
papers and blog posts.
Content in the social world doesn’t even have to be words, and
certainly doesn’t have to be words you write. Content is just a concept
for a tool that educates, demonstrates, informs, filters, entertains, and
gives people a reason to think you might have more of that hidden
somewhere back at the ranch.