Page 146 - Duct Tape Marketing
P. 146
Get Your Entire Team Involved in Marketing
One tool that many small businesses have discovered is some-
thing I call a marketing roundtable. A marketing roundtable is a
formal internal committee that meets to review and move marketing
decisions and actions forward. Part of this roundtable’s responsibility
is to also raise the overall level of internal marketing awareness.
Routinely Educate
The only way to keep the internal marketing message alive is to keep
the message in view through routinely scheduled education practices.
Every member of your staff must receive an orientation in the founda-
tional marketing steps presented earlier in this book:
Your ideal target client description. They must fully be able
to picture who you work with and who you want to work
with. From a practical standpoint, this will make them much
more prepared to spot a potential new client.
Your marketing purpose. What would it mean if they really
understood and then found a way to connect their purpose to
Your talking logo. Each staff member should be able to use
this tool by connecting their function in the business to the
ultimate marketing function.
Your core message. This is everyone’s core message.
Your marketing kit. Your marketing kit provides so much
information that it is likely to become one of your best hiring
Part of the Hiring Process
Make marketing education and the emphasis on marketing part
of your hiring process.