Page 143 - Duct Tape Marketing
P. 143
Chapter 9
Get Your Entire Team
Involved in Marketing
Okay, we’ve come to a pretty significant juncture in the process of lay-
ing the foundation for truly sticky marketing. If you’ve completed
a number of the key exercises and suggestions so far, you’ve begun to
collect a set of very powerful marketing assets. These assets will allow
you to venture out into your market and confidently declare, “Come
and get it!”
The next section of this book is dedicated to the act of lead genera-
tion or getting your prospects to contact you. This is all about turning
your stickiness into a system that works for growing your business. But
before we move to this next all-important step, it’s vital for you to take
the foundation you’ve built in these last few chapters and share it with
your team—even if that team is only one other person.
This chapter suggests several ways to infuse your entire staff with
a firm understanding of the core components of your new marketing
business and to excite them, perhaps for the first time, about playing
a role in the launch and growth of your marketing business.
Marketing Is Everyone’s Job
If you accept that your business is essentially a marketing business,
it’s not much of a leap to grasp that marketing is, to some degree,
everyone’s job.