Page 145 - Duct Tape Marketing
P. 145
Duct Tape Marketing
Marketing Is Mostly Your Job
Before I can dive too far into the idea of a systematic marketing
training program for your staff, I’ve got some bad news. No amount
of training for your staff will help if you don’t take responsibility for
owning the marketing function in your business. You’ve probably
come to realize that your staff will do as you do more readily than
as you say.
The only way you can sell your internal clients—your staff—is
if they recognize that you actually believe in and enact what you are
selling. What have you done to really light their fire about what your
company does, about how it is different, about the unique value you
can bring to a service relationship?
So now that you know who the first target market is, your
marketing purpose needs to get out there and start pounding the
aisles, cubicles, break rooms, and conference tables, looking for
prospects who are just dying to be sold on the vision you have for
the business.
If you meet resistance to this notion, it is because you have not
made it a priority in the past, and people will always resist change.
The key is that you make sure they understand that this isn’t just
another chapter from the latest business book you read. You must
make the newfound emphasis on marketing an expectation and a
Create a Marketing Roundtable
While the primary marketing function may necessarily fall to you or
some other person in your organization, you need to raise the level
of marketing awareness systematically through focus, emphasis, and