Page 154 - Duct Tape Marketing
P. 154
Part II
The Duct Tape Lead Generation
Machine—Turning Stickiness into a
System That Works for You
(Turning Know, Like, and Trust
into Try, Buy, Repeat, and Refer)
Think back to high school physics class for a moment—if you can.
(I didn’t do so well in that class, so I’ll simplify!) We learned in the
laws of physics that it takes a whole bunch of force to get something
moving, but once you get it moving, you can keep it moving with less
force. To apply this lesson to marketing, think of force as exposure.
One of the great ways to build momentum is through lots of
exposure. And for the small business without a big, fat budget, expo-
sure is delivered by coming at your market from many angles. You
can’t rely on one form of advertising or communication to get the job
done. You need to deliver a core message through as many vehicles as
you possibly can.
You must have a referral promotion, an advertising promotion, a
public relations promotion, a strategic partner promotion, social media
campaigns, an e-mail promotion, a speaking promotion, a writing pro-
motion, a newsletter promotion . . . you get the point, right?
Again, think of it as applying layers of duct tape. The more you
apply, the stronger the hold. In the next five chapters I will reveal
powerful ways to generate leads by carefully integrating and layering