Page 123 - Value Proposition Design: How to Create Products and Services Customers Want -
P. 123

Going	to	the	Movies

Let	us	walk	through	the	concepts	of	the	Value	Proposition
Canvas	with	another	simple	example.	Imagine	the	owner
of	a	movie	theater	chain	wants	to	design	new	value
propositions	for	his	customers.

                What	drives	the	moviegoer?

What	should	the	new	value	proposition	look	like?

He	could	start	with	the	value	proposition’s	features	and	get	excited	about	the
latest	generation	of	big	screens,	state-of-the-art	display	technologies,	tasty
snacks,	social	happenings,	urban	experiences,	and	so	on.	But,	of	course,	those
only	really	matter	if	customers	care	about	them.	So	he	sets	out	to	better
understand	what	his	customers	truly	want.
Traditionally	he’d	sketch	out	psychodemographic	profiles	of	his	customer
segments.	But	this	time	he	decides	to	complement	this	type	of	segmentation	with
customer	profiles	that	highlight	a	customer’s	jobs,	pains,	and	gains.
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