Page 118 - Value Proposition Design: How to Create Products and Services Customers Want -
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Individuals	or	groups	whose	opinions	might	count	and	whom	the	decision	maker
might	listen	to,	even	in	an	informal	way.


The	people	carrying	out	the	search	and	evaluation	process	and	who	make	a
formal	recommendation	for	or	against	a	purchase.

Economic	Buyers

The	individual	or	group	who	controls	the	budget	and	who	makes	the	actual
purchase.	Their	concerns	are	typically	about	financial	performance	and
budgetary	efficiency.

    In	some	cases,	the	economic	buyer	may	sit	outside	an	organization,	such	as	a
government	paying	for	the	basic	medical	supply	in	nursing	homes	for	elderly

Decision	Makers

The	person	or	group	ultimately	responsible	for	the	choice	of	a	product/service
and	for	ordering	the	purchase	decision.	Decision	makers	usually	have	ultimate
authority	over	the	budget.

End	Users

The	ultimate	beneficiaries	of	a	product	or	service.	For	a	business	customer,	end
users	can	either	be	within	their	own	organization	(a	manufacturer	buying
software	for	its	designers),	or	they	can	be	external	customers	(a	device
manufacturer	buying	chips	for	the	smartphones	it	sells	to	consumers).	End	users
may	be	passive	or	active,	depending	on	how	much	say	they	have	in	the	decision
and	purchase	process.


The	people	and	groups	who	can	obstruct	or	derail	the	process	of	searching,
evaluating,	and	purchasing	a	product	or	a	service.

Decision	makers	typically	sit	inside	the	customer’s	organization,	whereas
Influencers,	recommenders,	economic	buyers,	end	users,	and	saboteurs	can	sit
inside	or	outside	the	organization.
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