Page 114 - Value Proposition Design: How to Create Products and Services Customers Want -
P. 114

On	Paper

1.	Problem-Solution	Fit

Problem-solution	fit	takes	place	when	you

      Have	evidence	that	customers	care	about	certain	jobs,	pains,	and	gains.
      Designed	a	value	proposition	that	addresses	those	jobs,	pains,	and	gains.

At	this	stage	you	don’t	yet	have	evidence	that	customers	actually	care	about	your
value	proposition.

    This	is	when	you	strive	to	identify	the	jobs,	pains,	and	gains	that	are	most
relevant	to	customers	and	design	value	propositions	accordingly.	You	prototype
multiple	alternative	value	propositions	to	come	up	with	the	ones	that	produce	the
best	fit.	The	fit	you	achieve	is	not	yet	proven	and	exists	mainly	on	paper.	Your
next	steps	are	to	provide	evidence	that	customers	care	about	your	value
proposition	or	start	over	with	designing	a	new	one.

   	In	the	Market

2.	Product-Market	Fit

Product-market	fit	takes	place	when	you

      Have	evidence	that	your	products	and	services,	pain	relievers,	and	gain
      creators	are	actually	creating	customer	value	and	getting	traction	in	the

During	this	second	phase,	you	strive	to	validate	or	invalidate	the	assumptions
underlying	your	value	proposition.	You	will	inevitably	learn	that	many	of	your
early	ideas	simply	don’t	create	customer	value	(i.e.,	customers	don’t	care)	and
will	have	to	design	new	value	propositions.	Finding	this	second	type	of	fit	is	a
long	and	iterative	process;	it	doesn’t	happen	overnight.
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