Page 116 - Value Proposition Design: How to Create Products and Services Customers Want -
P. 116

Customer	Profiles	in	B2B

Value	propositions	in	business-to-business	(B2B)
transactions	typically	involve	several	stakeholders	in	the
search,	evaluation,	purchase,	and	use	of	a	product	or
service.	Each	one	has	a	different	profile	with	different
jobs,	pains,	and	gains.	Stakeholders	can	tilt	the
purchasing	decision	in	one	direction	or	another.	Identify
the	most	important	ones	and	sketch	out	a	Value
Proposition	Canvas	for	each	one	of	them.

Profiles	vary	according	to	the	sector	and	size	of
organization,	but	they	typically	include	the	following
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