Page 298 - Value Proposition Design: How to Create Products and Services Customers Want -
P. 298

Other	internal	stakeholders

Who	else's	buy-in	in	the	company	do	you	need	for	your	idea	to	succeed?	Does
production	play	a	role?	Do	you	need	to	convince	sales	or	marketing?

Strategic	partners

Your	value	proposition	may	rely	on	the	collaboration	with	strategic	partners.	Are
you	offering	them	value?

Government	officials

What	role	does	the	government	play?	Is	it	an	enabler	or	a	barrier?


Will	they	support	or	resist	your	ideas?

Local	community

Are	they	affected	by	your	ideas?

The	planet!

What	effect	does	your	value	proposition	have	on	the	environment?
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