Page 13 - The Business Idea Factory: A World-Class System for Creating Successful Business Ideas
P. 13

Activate	your	super-fast	brain

	Numerous	 research	 studies	 were	 conducted	 to	 compare	 the	 performance	 of	 our	 right	 brain
(subconscious	 mind)	 and	 left	 brain	 (conscious	 mind).	 The	 results	 confirmed	 that	 our	 creative	 right
brain	 is	 at	 least	 2	 million	 times	 faster	 than	 our	 analytical	 left	 brain.	 The	 analytical	 left	 brain	 is
responsible	 for	 judging,	 self-monitoring	 and	 internal	 dialogue.	 It	 prevents	 you	 from	 saying
everything	 you	 think	 and	 doing	 everything	 you	 consider.	 The	 right	 brain	 is	 responsible	 for
generating	new	creative	ideas.
In	 his	 research	 at	 Johns	 Hopkins	 University,	 Charles	 Limb	 asked	 jazz	 musicians	 and	 rap	 artists	 to
compose	an	improvisational	piece	of	music.	While	they	were	playing,	Charles	measured	the	activity
of	 different	 areas	 of	 the	 brain.	 During	 this	 creative	 improvisation,	 the	 part	 of	 the	 brain	 responsible
for	analytical	thinking	and	judgment	showed	much	lower	activity.
The	 right	 brain	 is	 responsible	 for	 all	 activities	 that	 involve	 creativity	 and	 can	 process	 enormous
amounts	 of	 information	 within	 seconds.	 The	 conscious	 mind	 is	 not	 only	 useless	 for	 generating
business	ideas	but,	in	fact,	blocks	the	subconscious	mind	from	doing	its	work.	To	become	world	class
at	 generating	 business	 ideas	 you	 need	 to	 learn	 how	 to	 turn	 your	 analytical	 brain	 off	 and	 let	 the
subconscious	mind	think.
If	you	want	to	effectively	generate	business	ideas,	you	need	to	avoid	any	activities	that	engage	the	left
brain	 that	 blocks	 the	 subconscious	 mind.	 When	 you	 think	 about	 your	 task,	 remember	 3	 rules:	 no
judging,	no	criticizing	and	no	internal	dialoguing.
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