Page 17 - The Business Idea Factory: A World-Class System for Creating Successful Business Ideas
P. 17

I	just	need	one	big	idea

	If	 you	 asked	 me:	 “Andrii,	 can	 you	 say	 what	 events	 have	 influenced	 your	 life	 the	 most?”	 a
conversation	with	James	in	New	York’s	JFK	Airport	would	be	certainly	one	of	the	events	I	mention.
James	 was	 sitting	 next	 to	 me	 at	 the	 departure	 gate	 waiting	 for	 his	 flight	 to	 Charlotte	 and	 began	 a
casual	 co nver satio n.	 I	 lear ned	 that	 James	 had	 successfully	 so ld	 sever al	 IT	 co mpanies	 fo r 	 mo r e	 than
$100M.	 However,	 what	 impressed	 me	 even	 more	 was	 that	 with	 all	 this	 money	 he	 was	 traveling	 in
economy	class	and	was	dressed	in	a	way	that	would	never	reveal	that	he	is	rich.
In	 the	 middle	 of	 the	 conversation	 I	 said,	 “You	 know,	 James,	 I	 truly	 envy	 your	 entrepreneurial	 gift.
Since	 childhood	 I	 have	 dreamt	 about	 starting	 a	 company	 like	 Microsoft,	 but	 realized	 that	 I	 have	 no
talent	of	generating	great	business	ideas.”
James	smiled	at	me	and	said,	“Really?	How	did	you	come	to	this	conclusion?”
“Since	childhood	I	wanted	to	become	an	entrepreneur	but	couldn’t	stumble	upon	a	big	business	idea
that	 could	 make	 me	 rich	 and	 famous	 like	 Bill	 Gates.	 A	 year	 ago	 I	 decided,	 ‘I	 will	 lock	 myself	 in	 a
room	 and	 will	 think	 until	 I	 come	 up	 with	 a	 big	 business	 idea	 or	 until	 I	 give	 up	 on	 becoming	 an
entrepreneur.’	For	eighteen	hours	straight	I	was	thinking	and	staring	at	the	wall,	thinking	and	staring
at	the	ceiling,	thinking	and	walking	back	and	forth.	I	didn’t	come	up	with	an	outstanding	business	idea
and	gave	up	on	my	childhood	dream.”
“Andrii,	you	might	not	know	this,	but	before	Microsoft,	Bill	Gates	created	Traf-O-Data,	a	company
that	 prepared	 reports	 for	 traffic	 engineers	 based	 on	 data	 from	 roadway	 traffic	 counters.	 This
company	didn’t	have	big	success	but	the	experience	was	very	valuable	for	creating	Microsoft.
“When	 I	 became	 an	 entrepreneur	 with	 my	 first	 company	 I	 lost	 money,	 and	 my	 second	 company
brought	 me	 less	 income	 per	 year	 than	 if	 I	 worked	 for	 minimum	 wage.	 But	 without	 the	 first	 2
co mpanies	 I	 wo uld	 never 	 have	 eno ug h	 exper ience	 and	 kno wledg e	 to 	 cr eate	 the	 thir d	 co mpany	 that	 I
eventually	sold	for	over	$40M.
“Andrii,	 forget	 about	 a	 big	 idea.	 Your	 chances	 of	 creating	 it	 while	 staring	 at	 the	 wall	 are	 less	 than
winning	 the	 lottery.	 Just	 begin	 implementing	 any	 of	 your	 business	 ideas	 and	 in	 the	 process	 many
bigger	ideas	will	come	to	you.	Great	ideas	are	created	based	on	your	life	experiences	and	to	get	them
you	should	be	actively	doing	something.”
This	 short	 conversation	 with	 James	 changed	 my	 attitude	 towards	 entrepreneurship.	 Had	 I	 not	 met
James,	 I	 might	 still	 not	 have	 opened	 my	 own	 business	 and	 have	 joy	 from	 seeing	 how	 my	 students
generate	excellent	business	ideas	daily	and	become	successful.
When	I	talk	to	people	I	often	hear,	“Andrii,	I	envy	your	entrepreneurial	gift.	I’d	like	to	start	my	own
business	 but	 I	 do n’t	 have	 eno ug h	 star ting 	 capital	 and	 a	 big 	 business	 idea.”	 I	 always	 say,	 “Just	 beg in
implementing	today	the	best	business	ideas	that	you	have	with	the	starting	capital	that	you	have.	In	the
process	 you	 will	 learn	 how	 to	 promote,	 how	 to	 sell,	 how	 to	 collaborate	 with	 other	 people,	 how	 to
generate	 ideas	 and	 solve	 problems.	 Once	 you	 hit	 a	 really	 big	 business	 idea,	 you	 will	 have	 enough
experience	and	resources	to	make	it	a	success.”

Exercise:	A	$100	hour
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