Page 21 - The Business Idea Factory: A World-Class System for Creating Successful Business Ideas
P. 21

During	the	day

	One	day	I	went	to	the	stadium	near	my	house	to	jog	and	after	several	rounds	a	question	popped	up	in
my	head:	“Why	are	there	days	when	I	create	hundreds	of	excellent	ideas	and	there	are	other	days	when
I	create	zero	ideas?”	In	a	few	minutes	I	realized	why	this	happens,	and	thought,	“Thank	you,	universe,
for	sending	me	this	insight.	I	see	how	it	can	make	a	huge	impact	on	my	ability	to	generate	successful
business	ideas.	This	is	perhaps	the	biggest	gift	I	ever	received.”
Once	you	learn	the	difference	between	generating	hundreds	of	excellent	ideas	per	day	and	no	ideas	at
all	you	may	think,	“Hey,	Andrii,	it’s	logical	and	obvious.”	However,	this	simple	insight	can	increase
the	 number	 and	 quality	 of	 ideas	 you	 produce	 many	 times.	 In	 fact,	 if	 you	 take	 this	 insight	 seriously
people	will	think	that	you	are	a	genius.
The	 day	 when	 you	 create	 hundreds	 of	 ideas,	 you	 ask	 yourself	 questions	 and	 give	 your	 brain
problems	to	think	about:	“How	do	I	draw	more	visitors	to	my	company	website?	What	other	products
can	 my	 co mpany	 pr o duce?	 Ho w	 do 	 I	 incr ease	 sales?”	 T he	 day	 yo u	 cr eate	 zer o 	 ideas,	 is	 the	 day	 yo u
do n’t	 g ive	 yo ur 	 br ain	 any	 tasks.	 If	 yo u	 do n’t	 kno w	 what	 ideas	 yo u	 need,	 yo ur 	 br ain	 simply	 r emains
idle	and	your	subconscious	mind	doesn’t	do	any	work.
In	 the	 1960s	 my	 grandmother	 saw	 a	 computer	 for	 the	 first	 time	 in	 her	 life.	 Her	 brother,	 Yuriy,
brought	her	to	the	computer	lab	of	the	university	where	he	worked	and	said,	“Alina,	this	is	one	of	the
most	 powerful	 computers	 of	 our	 time.	 There	 are	 less	 than	 10	 such	 computers	 in	 the	 Ukraine.”	 My
grandma	asked,	“It’s	almost	1	a.m.	Why	are	there	people	still	working	here?”
“You	see,	Alina,	there	is	only	one	computer	in	the	entire	university	and	it’s	extremely	expensive	and
powerful.	Professors	and	PhD	students	are	sharing	time	on	it	and	it’s	never	idle.”
If	you	want	to	become	a	world-class	business	ideas	creator,	your	brain	should	also	never	be	idle.	No,
I	don’t	mean	that	you	need	to	work	hard	or	be	thinking	for	hours	about	your	problems.	You	just	need
to	decide	which	ideas	you	need	and	give	your	brain	tasks.	If	you	just	think	about	several	problems	for,
say,	15	minutes	a	day,	it	will	be	enough	to	set	a	program	for	your	subconscious	mind.	It	will	process
millions	 of	 combinations	 while	 you	 exercise	 at	 the	 gym,	 have	 lunch	 with	 your	 friend	 or	 while	 you
sleep.	Eventually	you	will	get	many	new	ideas	in	the	form	of	insight	or	a	creativity	spark.
Realizing	which	ideas	you	need	and	giving	your	brain	tasks	daily	is	the	difference	between	creating
thousands	of	ideas	and	no	ideas	at	all.	It	is	also	the	difference	between	enormous	success	in	business
and	no	success	at	all.
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