Page 23 - The Business Idea Factory: A World-Class System for Creating Successful Business Ideas
P. 23

Before	you	sleep

	Several	years	ago	I	was	an	audience	member	during	a	corporate	presentation.	I	remember	a	speaker
saying,	 “If	 you	 want	 to	 work	 at	 my	 company,	 you	 may	 expect	 to	 work	 about	 16	 hours	 per	 day.”
Somebody	 in	 the	 audience	 asked,	 “Does	 this	 time	 include	 sleep?”	 And	 the	 audience	 burst	 out	 in
In	fact,	sleep	time	can	be	the	most	productive	time	for	generating	business	ideas	if	you	know	how	to
use	 it	 properly.	 While	 you	 sleep	 the	 subconscious	 mind	 works	 even	 more	 productively	 than	 during
the	day	because	it’s	not	blocked	by	the	analytical	brain.	However,	it	will	generate	outstanding	business
ideas	for	you	only	if	you	activate	it	properly.
You	may	ask,	“Andrii,	how	can	I	activate	my	subconscious	mind	before	I	go	to	bed?”	While	I	was	a
high	 school	 student	 I	 often	 worked	 on	 solving	 math	 problems	 until	 late.	 When	 I	 got	 stuck	 on	 a
particular	problem	and	got	tired,	I	went	to	bed.	Very	often,	when	I	woke	up	in	the	morning,	I	had	an
idea	of	how	to	proceed	with	solving	the	problem.
When	you	think	about	your	task	just	before	sleep,	it’s	the	same	as	telling	your	subconscious,	“Here	is
a	question	I	need	an	answer	for.	Please	generate	ideas	for	me.”	Your	subconscious	gets	the	message
and	 wo r ks	 the	 entir e	 nig ht	 while	 yo u	 sleep.	 Once	 yo u	 think	 abo ut	 the	 task	 ag ain	 in	 the	 mo r ning 	 yo u
will	 get	 valuable	 ideas.	 The	 subconscious	 doesn’t	 speak	 our	 language,	 but	 conveys	 ideas	 through
intuition	 or	 gut	 feeling.	 Don’t	 try	 to	 understand	 where	 the	 ideas	 come	 from.	 It’s	 impossible.	 Just
expect	them	to	come.	Trust	your	subconscious	mind	and	appreciate	what	it	does	for	you.
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