Page 138 - Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
P. 138

137  Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

     8. Avoid free email addresses.

        If possible, do not use a free email account, for example "". It
        makes your link exchange mail seem like a spam mail.

     9. Include your full contact information

        Include full contact information and a phone number in your link request
        messages. It adds a personal touch to your emails and it lets webmasters easily
        contact you to discuss the link partnership.

        An email message with full contact information is less likely to look like spam than
        a message that ends with "Bye, Joe".

     10. Offer an incentive to link back to you

        Offer your link partners an incentive to link back to you. For example, you could
        move websites that link back to you to the top of your link pages and mark them
        with a special "Recommended!" picture. IBP's link manager makes it easy to offer
        such incentives. Be creative and try to find convincing reasons why other people
        should link to your site.

        Really do visit the potential link partner's website and write a short and
        personal letter.

        Make sure that your link pages look attractive so that other webmasters want to
        be listed there. Details on how to make your link pages attractive can be found
        later in this manual.

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