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Link building 164

          · Relevance: If you use IBP's link manager to search for websites with link exchange
             forms then IBP's link manager will assign a high relevance number to web pages
             that have such a form. If the web page also contains the keywords you entered then
             the relevance number will be even higher.
             For all websites that have been found through the other options in the Add Sites
             Assistant, IBP's link manager will use a relevance of 50. You can change the
             relevance of a website by clicking on a relevance number in the list.

          · Added: Displays the date on which the website has been added to the list.
          · Last Email: Displays the date on which you sent the webmaster of the website the

             latest email message with the built-in email client of IBP's link manager.
          · Link Check: When you perform a link check, IBP's link manager will display the

             result of the link check in this column.
          · Back anchor text (if available): If a website links back to your site, the text with

             which the other website links to you will be displayed in this column. This allows
             you to quickly see which words other people use to link to your site. To get high
             search engine rankings, it is important that the back anchor texts contain keywords
             that are related to your site.
          · Back Link URL (if available): Displays the URL of the page on which you can find
             the link back to your site.
          · Outbound Links: Shows the number of outbound link that can be found on the link
             partner page.
          · Total Links: Shows the total number of links that can be found on the link partner
          · IP Address: Shows the IP address under which the web page resides.
          · Submitted: Shows if an online form on the web page has been submitted (for
             example a link suggestion form).
          · Link check date: Shows the date of the last link check for the selected web page.

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