Page 84 - Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
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83  Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

    Step 5: Convert the Powerpoint presentation into a video

    Use a screen recording tool and record the screen as you talk and click through your
    presentation. Submit the recorded video to video directories.

    Step 6: Convert the article into a video

    Another way to create a video is to record yourself reading the article aloud (of
    course, it should look like you're speaking freely). You can record the video with any
    web cam or any digital camera. Submit the recorded video to video directories.

    Step 7: Convert the article into a PDF file

    The free LibreOffice office software suite enables you to save any file quickly as a PDF
    file (File > Export as > PDF). If your PDF file has enough pages, you can submit it to
    eBook sites.

    Step 8: Convert the article into a podcast

    Converting your article into a podcast is easy. Just read your article aloud and record
    your voice with an audio tool. Then submit the file to podcast directories.

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