Page 85 - Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
P. 85

Submit your website                                                                                                                                 84

7.5 SAFE TIME: what can happen if you don't do this correctly?

          You won't get high search engine rankings if you submit your website before
          optimizing your pages. Submitting your website to search engines is pointless if your
          web pages are not search engine ready.

          If you don't use your own domain name or if your website is hosted by an unreliable
          web host then it is likely that your website will not be listed on search engines. If the
          submitted website URL is only a redirection or a welcome page than it's also likely
          that search engines won't index your website.

          Note that search engine submission is the least important step in search engine
          optimization. Search engine submission used to be important but it isn't anymore
          today. It is much more important to have optimized web pages and good backlinks.
          Without optimized web pages and good backlinks a website cannot get high rankings
          and search engine submission is totally pointless.

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