Page 88 - Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
P. 88

87 Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

8.1 The link building basics

          It is not possible to get high rankings on Google, Bing/Yahoo or other major search
          engines without good links. Google will only list your website in their search results if
          they find at least one other website that links to your site.
          The more other websites link to your website, the higher your search engine rankings
          will be. The idea behind this concept is simple: if many other websites link to your
          website then your website must be important.
          In addition to the sheer number of the links, the quality of the links is also
          In this chapter you'll learn:
          · how links influence the success of your website
          · how links to other websites can affect your search engine rankings
          · how to decide if a link is a quality link or not
          · which links don't work with search engines

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