Page 8 - 100 Great Copywriting Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 8

59 The right way to use numbers                     122
60 Ask your reader a question                       124
61 You flatter me!                                   126
62 Your questions answered                          128
63 How to go upmarket                               130
64 Use pictures your reader identifies with          132
65 Powered by facts                                 134
66 Selling to international managers                136
67 Skip skip intro                                  138
68 Satisfy their cravings                           140
69 Tailor the message to the audience               142
70 Get a cross-head                                 144
71 Create curiosity                                 146
72 Make your ads look like—and read like—editorial  148
73 Watch that hackneyed image                       150
74 Correct your prospect’s assumptions              152
75 A great golf tournament with a pretty nice
      conference attached                           156
76 Act like a magpie                                158
77 Watch your readability                           160
78 Say “Hi”                                         162
79 Grammar does matter                              164
80 Will wordplay work?                              166
81 Use language your customers can understand       168
82 Get them nodding                                 170
83 Dig down to the underlying proposition           172
84 Yet another headline idea—use “Now”              174
85 It doesn’t have to be A4, or A5, or . . .        176
86 Cheese for Christmas?                            178
87 Get your customers to speak on your behalf       180
88 How to deal with high prices                     182
89 What are they afraid of?

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