Page 48 - The Sales Acceleration Formula: Using Data, Technology, and Inbound Selling to go from $0 to $100 Million -
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customers	or	revenue	she	generates,	but	from	her	ability	to	accelerate	the
  company	toward	product/market	fit.”

The	entrepreneur	(candidate	3)	is	my	most	desirable	candidate.

Here	are	the	pros	of	the	entrepreneur:

    Entrepreneurial	instinct.	Of	all	the	candidates	on	the	table,	the	entrepreneur
    is	most	likely	to	accelerate	the	company	toward	the	right	product/market	fit.
    In	fact,	this	aspect	of	her	role	will	probably	be	the	element	about	which	she
    is	most	passionate.	Given	how	important	that	piece	is,	her	skills	here	are
    tremendously	valuable.	She	will	dig	in	with	prospective	customers	to	learn
    about	their	challenges,	opportunities,	perspectives,	and	priorities.	She	likely
    has	the	entrepreneurial	instinct	to	step	back	from	these	conversations	and
    help	the	CEO	and	the	product	team	to	identify	the	patterns	and	understand
    where	to	pivot.

    Sales	fundamentals.	I	also	love	that	she	has	received	formal	sales	training
    and	gained	experience	at	a	large	organization.	These	fundamentals	should
    enable	her	to	engineer	the	appropriate	sales	methodology	and	structure	it	for

    Leadership	potential.	Her	entrepreneurial	experience	has	likely	equipped	her
    with	the	experience	and	ability	to	lead.

Here	are	the	cons	of	the	entrepreneur:

    Sales	management	fundamentals.	She	has	probably	never	hired	or	managed	a
    salesperson	before.	Despite	this	weakness,	I	would	still	bet	on	her	ability	to
    get	me	through	the	product/market	fit	phase	of	the	business.	Once	that's
    established,	I	can	monitor	her	reasonably	closely	as	she	begins	to	hire	and
    develop	salespeople.

    Industry	knowledge.	Like	the	sales	manager,	she	does	not	have	experience
    with	your	target	buyer	and	will	need	to	scale	the	learning	curve.

If	you	are	in	the	process	of	thinking	about	your	first	sales	hire,	hopefully	this
exercise	helped	to	frame	the	decision.

 To	Recap	my	perspectives

      When	faced	with	the	first	sales	hire	decision,	many	founders	put	the
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