Page 119 - SKU-000506274_TEXT.indd
P. 119

Instructions your colleague was given

            n Consider the situations described below. From the actions
                indicated choose that which most closely approximates to what you
                would do in real life if faced with the circumstances described. Do
                not attempt to hedge your bets by suggesting that you would do
                “some of this and some of that”. Leadership is increasingly
                demonstrated by an ability to think and act quickly in fast
                changing environments. Decisiveness counts.

            n Have a trusted and reliable colleague complete the test on your
                behalf, as if they were role-playing as you and trying to think as
                they believe that you think and act as you appear to them to act.

            n Compare results and discuss particularly any differences of
                perception concentrating on what it is that you do, or have done in
                the past, that led your colleague to see you in a different light from
                that which you chose for yourself.

            n Choose whether to amend any of your own answers in the light of
                your colleague’s view.

            n Choose whether to amend your behaviour in the light of any new

            n Read the Commentary and discuss with those of your peers who
                have also completed the instrument.

            n Consider what you have learned about charismatic and pragmatic
                leadership and decide what use you will make of your new
                knowledge in future decision-making.

       Situation one

       You are offered a promotion that will require you to work in a field in which
       you have no interest and with people for whom you have little respect. If
       you accept the promotion it will, of necessity, take you away from the as yet
       unfinished task of building the best team in your sector devoted to a mis-
       sion to which you are committed. On the other hand the corporation has a
       culture of never asking twice and the promotion, should you take it, will
       not only provide you with greater personal security, but with fast track
       promotion prospects. In fact it is very likely to take you right to the top in
       a few years. You have no obvious successor with the ability or commitment
       to complete your mission where you are at present and the new task will
       take all your time if you are to succeed.


       1. Take the job. The corporation best understands its needs and if you
            have been selected you can make your greatest contribution by
            meeting those needs elsewhere if that is what the company expects.

88 Key management questions
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