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5. I expect my people to pluck triumph out of disaster every

 6. My people would follow me to hell and back.
 7. I take winning very personally.
 8. My vision drives others as much as it does me.
 9. People buy in readily to my vision.
10. My people believe in themselves because they believe in

11. I always exude confidence no matter what the problem.
12. I cut to the chase and ignore trivia.
13. I disregard a person’s weaknesses if they have the strengths

      I want.
14. I make sure that I understand how the enemy thinks.
15. I know what my people can deliver then I ask for a little

16. The more my people learn the better I can use them.
17. What my people learn I expect them to apply straight

18. I expect my people to value learning.
19. If my people want to learn Anglo-Saxon poetry I encourage

20. When they know Anglo-Saxon I’ll find a use for it in the

21. I’m prepared to walk a mile in any man’s moccasins.
22. If I invent the “talk” I’ll “walk it” until everyone believes.
23. Faith can move mountains, faith in me can build them.
24. My mission in life is to help others to achieve beyond their

25. I have taken the trouble to learn what is best in pretty well

      any situation.
26. I’d back me to the hilt.
27. I am building a great future for all my people.
28. Nothing will stop me from getting where I want to be.
29. I’ll go the extra mile to support and protect my people.
30. I’ve had enough of this there is work to be done.

                                                                                     “Leadership is what leaders DO!” 91
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