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P. 224

I Always ask the questions that will enable you to give change a
  I chance to work its way through to success and never introduce
  I further change unless the answers that you get convince you
  I utterly that the earlier change is doing harm rather than good.

Lambert’s Laws – again

Never consider bringing in a major change until you have the answers to
the following questions:

    n Will this change make a significant difference to the ability of the
        business to achieve its goals?
        – Will we achieve our goals more quickly, more cheaply?

    n How soon will this pay for itself?
        – Is that soon enough?
        – How can we be sure that it will deliver on time?
        – Is there a less costly way?
        – Would that achieve our goals equally well?

    n Will people approach this change with enthusiasm?
        – Will they see what is in it for them?
        – Do they understand the need for change?
        – Do they share the company vision?
        – Can we communicate this change inspirationally?

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